Penny Mordaunt's brilliant Loyal Address

It seems absolutely unbelievable that in all Her Majesty's long reign, Penny Mordaunt (MP for Portsmouth North) became today only the second woman MP to propose the "Loyal Address."

All the more amazing given just how brilliant her speech was. It combined side-splitting, sometimes gentle and sometimes wicked humour, with several very important points and a few extremely poignant moments. One of the latter was when she pointed out that Lady Tweedsmuir, then MP for Aberdeen South and the previous lady MP to propose the loyal address 57 years ago, had lost her first husband when he was killed in Normandy shortly after the D-Day landings seventy years ago.

Really, really worth watching if you have 15 minutes to spare. Guido Fawkes has put up the video of the speech here and Harry Phibbs has posted the text of the speech on Conservative Home here.

Those who spoke afterwards must have thought "Follow That!


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