A streamlined, more accountable and democratic executive for Copeland

One of the most important responsibilities of the new Mayor of Copeland will be to appoint the council's executive.

The present executive consists entirely of Labour councillors, and meets during working hours at the Copeland centre in Whitehaven.

I believe that making the Executive more broadly based, accessible and accountable, and engage with local residents, is key to making the council the servant of the electorate rather than trying to be the masters.

If I am elected as Mayor

* I will streamline the executive with fewer members than now to keep costs down

* I will seek to appoint a broadly based executive based on ability, and not restrict the posts exclusively to my own party or yes-men who will always agree with me.

* currently there are three groups on the council with three or more members: Labour, Conservative, and Independent. If that remains the case I will offer at least one seat on the executive to members of each of the three groups. If the composition of the council changes I will offer posts in an inclusive manner.

* I will hold executive meetings in the early evening and rotate them around the borough rather than have them only in the Copeland Centre. All executive meetings will start with an opportunity for public questions or petitions.


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