
I am aware that there is a vast amount of concern at the moment about potholes throughout Cumbria, the roads having taken a lot of damage from the elements during the harsh weather of the last few months.

You can report a pothole or any other dangerous problem with a road maintained by Cumbria County Council directly to the responsible officers.

either by calling the Highways Hotline number on 0300 3032992,

or on line at

This ensures the fault is logged and a unique reference code generated for that particular defect, it also enables the fault to be tracked.

If you are having trouble doing this or are not seeing a satisfactory response in respect of any road in my division (which covers Bigrigg, Moor Row, St Bees, and the Western half of the Mirehouse area of Whitehaven) please feed free to contact me via email at chris4copeland@btinternet.com.


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