Candidates for the Egremont South Town Council by-election

Three candidates have come forward for the vacant seat on Egremont Town council, so there IS going to be a contested election on 24th April. Here are the candidate details: It will probably not surprise readers of this blog to learn that I will be supporting Jeff Hailes, who has lived in the aera for many years and is involved with a number of local activities and causes including the Rugby club and Credit Union. Jeff was an excellent Borough Councillor for St Bees. There will, very surprisingly, not be polling cards sent out for this election. As per my previous post and link, The Cumbria Chronic has published a piece on the decision of Egremont Town Council not to send out these cards, which you can read by clicking on the link immediately below: SHHH! ELECTION TAKING PLACEā¦ ā The Cumbria Chronic Most of the time Egremont Town council works together pretty well in a constructive and not-particularly partisan or party-political manner. The vote last week about the forthcoming by-elect...